Sunday, March 7, 2010

2-28-10 through 3-6-10

Went to watch Trey and Gig play at the Mews on Thursday, hadn't heard either of them play music before; I was reeeeeealllllly impressed at how great they sounded.

Here: asteroidpinballmachine (Trey), musicmaidmarian (Gig). Go. Listen. Be impressed at how great it sounds.

Our house did Kaleidoquiz again this year, our team name was "Dunston Checks In 2: Dunston Checks Out" (although, it should have been "The Kaleidokids"). We got 11th place, which is pretty damn good considering the number of people we had (I was on B-team, which consisted of me and Emilie, until Emilie left and I fell asleep). Overall, I thought KQ was a letdown this year. The challenges weren't as fun and most of the questions were either dumb, frustrating, or impossible.

Here's a sweded version of Harry Potter we did for KQ 2009:

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